Seven Characteristics of Holy People As Christians we are called to be saints. The Greek word translated ‘saint’ is ‘agios’, ‘holy one’ or ‘set apart one’ or ‘consecrated for His purpose.’ “To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints” (Rom 1:7) “To the church of God which is at Corinth, […]
Read MoreThe Holy Cross in Our Lives – Father Michael Ibrahim
The Feasts of The Holy Cross March 19 and September 27-29 Our Church celebrates two feasts for the Cross. One is on Parmhat 10th (March 19), which always falls during Great Lent. The other is on Tout 17th (September 27), which falls at the end of our celebrations of the Coptic New Year (The Feast […]
Read MoreThe Feast of the Holy Cross
Carrying The Cross by His Grace Bishop Serapion Our Church celebrates two feasts for the Cross. One is on Parmhat 10th (March 19th), which always falls during Great Lent. The other is on Tout 17th (September 27th), which falls at the end of our celebrations of the Coptic New Year (The Feast of Nairouz), and this […]
Read MoreRemembering H. H. Pope Shenouda III
On the Commemoration of our beloved Pope Shenouda III of blessed memories. The following videos highlight His Holiness visit to our church on January 29, 1991.
Read MoreJonah’s Fast
Jonah’s Fast, also known as the Fast of the People of Nineveh “I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction, And He answered me. “Out of the belly of Sheol I cried, And You heard my voice.” (Jonah 2: 2) The Coptic Orthodox Church fasts in commemoration of the fast of the Prophet Jonah […]
Read Moreملكى صادق- رئيس كهنه أعظم – للقس ميخائيل ابراهيم
-ملكى صادق هو ملك أورشليم وكانت تسمى قديماً ساليم ومعناها لوز. وملكى صادق يعنى ملك البر. وساليم يعنى السلام. فهو إذن ملك البر وملك السلام “لأن ملكى صادق هذا ملك ساليم كاهن الله العلى الذى أستقبل إبراهيم راجعاً من كسرة الملوك وباركه”(عب7: 1) -وشخصية ملكى صادق ظهرت فجأة وأختفت فجأة.فظهر مع أبرام(إبراهيم)أبو الأباء بعد غلبه […]
Read MoreKiahk Praises explained
The praise of Kiahk (also known as “7 and 4”) on the Eve of Sunday is the praise of every eve of Sunday all year, since Sunday is the day of the Resurrection when the Church stays awake until daybreak. Eventually, it contacts the dawn of eternity, whose sun never leaves, because the Lord Jesus, the true Light, the […]
Read MoreHARVEST FESTIVAL Every OCTOBER 31 FROM 5:00 – 8:00 PM
You are invited to join us in the annual celebration of the Harvest Festival. Come and join in the spiritual contests and games. There will be a Character Contest. To qualify for prizes, you character has to be christian and based on Biblical Characters and Saints. أنتم مدعوون للمشاركة فى مھرجان الحصاد السنوى یوم ۳۱ […]
Read MoreThe Feast of the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The Seventeenth Day of the Blessed Coptic Month of Thoout, may God make it always received, year after year, with reassurance and tranquility, while our sins are forgiven by the tender mercies of our God, my fathers, and brothers; amen. Appearance of the Cross of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ On this day, […]
Read Moreكاتب سير الشهداء – القس ميخائيل ابراهيم
فى بداية عام جديد للشهداء دائما نتذكر حياة آباؤنا وأجدادنا الشهداء الذين بعذابات أليمة نالوا أكاليل الشهادة وأكاليل المحبة لسيدهم الذى أحبهم من قبل وفداهم على الصليب. نتذكر العذابات والآلام التى أحتملوها. ففى كل يوم نقرأ فيه السنكسار نتعرف على شخصية هؤلاء الشهداء الذين تألموا وكان من أهدافهم أن يصل إلينا الإيمان. فكل عام يمر […]
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